2024 hours
*MEMORIAL DAY, Monday May 27:
Pool hours:
May 17- June 11
Monday - Thursday 4:30 -
Friday 4:30 - 9
Saturday 10-9
Sunday 11-7
June 12 (Last Day of
June 13 - August 24
Mon - Sat 10-9
Sun 11-8
August 25 (Last Day Before School
August 26 - September 2 (Labor Day)
Mon-Thurs 4:30 - 7:30
Friday 4:30-9:00
Sat 10-9
Sun 11-7
Labor Day Monday 10-7
follow @ExchangePool on Facebook for updates
The Exchange Pool is located on Umstead Road
between Estes Extension and MLK Blvd,
right on the border between Chapel Hill and Carrboro,
next to Chapel Hill's Umstead Park.
Unplanned Pool Closures
- In the case of inclement weather, the pool will close due to thunder and electrical activity and remain closed
for 30 minutes following the last activity. For the safety of our members, the deck must be cleared if lightning is spotted in the area. This includes basketball court, play area, and
picnic areas.
- From Opening Day until Memorial Day weekend, the pool will close if the air temperature is below
65℉ AND cloudy, overcast, or rainy. Every attempt will be made to notifiy members of closing. Please call the Pool for updates if there are any
Phone: (919) 967-8840
E-mail: Vickie Atkinson, Board President: president@exchangepool.net
Mailing address: P.O. Box 3433 Chapel Hill, NC 27515